We are moving venue from St John’s to a new venue (see Meetings page; Group page):
St Matthew’s Church, 27 Petersburgh Place, W2 4LA.
Our last meeting at St John’s, subject to confirmation (see note below*), will be on October 11th. Our first meeting in the new venue will be on October 18th.
The times remain the same: 11:00 – 12:30 AM
Travel from nearest tubes (approximate):
- Queensway (2 minutes’ walk)
- Bayswater (4 minutes’ walk)
- Notting Hill (5 minutes)
Other details remain unchanged:
- Group contact: please call 07968 104229
- Focus: Steps and Tools;
- Newcomers especially welcome;
- The Group has decided to have no dogs at the meeting.
(*): As the day of the first meeting at the new venue was going to be on the date of the Convention, i.e. October 11th, it was decided that it would be preferable to move the weekend following. We are awaiting revised date confirmation from our church liaison person and will confirm this shortly