The dial in number for ALL fellowships calls is: 0330 998 1320 then use the access code: 617093
If you miss any
calls you can listen to recordings, visit:
February 3 @ 7pm – 8:30 pm UK
Action Buddies
The WSC Fellowship Communications Committee (FCC) presents a Fellowship-wide Call titled “Taking Actions in Good Company: Action Buddies Share their Experience”
Three speakers will share their experience, strength, and hope followed by open sharing. The open sharing portion of the call will not be recorded.
February 17 @ 6 pm – 7:30 pm UK
“D.A. Fellows from Outside the US Share their Experience, Strength, and Hope”
Three speakers from outside the Unites States will share their D.A. experience, strength, and hope and give insight to D.A. recovery internationally. There will be time for questions and sharing.
Save the following dates for March Fellowship calls – more details and times to follow soon
3rd March: Importance of Intergroups
16th March: PRG’s
23rd March: Attraction vs. Promotion
24th March: Sponsorship
31st March: “A Spiritual Approach to Growing your Business: The Tools of BDA (Tools 10 – 12)”