Week of Events
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
BDA: Prosperity and Serenity (online)
BDA: Prosperity and Serenity (online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Rotating Topic Meeting Week 1: Chair Week 2: BDA Tool of the month and Business Meeting Week 3: Chair Week 4: Visions Week 5: Chair Contact: Morgan +1 515 313 7792 (whatsapp)
Back In Business: DA and BDA meeting (W11)
Back In Business: DA and BDA meeting (W11)
*Cash donations only for the time being.* Top Room The Tabernacle 34-35 Powis Square LONDON W11 2AY (Go through main entrance. Turn right. Door on right leads to stairs. Lift also available)
“Visions” : BDA – Islington (online)
“Visions” : BDA – Islington (online)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 193 577 094 Passcode: 489822 Format: Alternating between a Chair & Reading from 'BDA Additional Tools' & 'Visions' pamphlets.
DA Bristol Clarity and Prosperity (Online)
DA Bristol Clarity and Prosperity (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Contact Gill: 07971 510 674 Originally: Redland Park URC Church, Whiteladies Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6SA
DA Meeting: Galway
DA Meeting: Galway
** waiting for an update on the status of this meeting ** DA Ireland phone number: 00 353 (0) 86 408 4468 Originally: Gallilee House, Rear of Salthill Church Carpark, Salthill, Galway
Brighton BDA
Brighton BDA
Roof Room - 4th Floor Brighthelm Community Centre North Road Brighton BN1 1YD Contact Matt - 07789 511989
Recovery from Compulsive Spending DA Meeting – Online
Recovery from Compulsive Spending DA Meeting – Online
Click here to join on Zoom Meeting ID: 863 5926 7047 Passcode: 386216 “The focus of this meeting is based on the pamphlet ‘Recovery from Compulsive Spending’ and is a safe space for those who identify as a compulsive spender to share experience, strength and hope” Contact Chloe: 07769 998217 Ros: 07910 136320
DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre
DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre
Soho Recovery Centre, 123 Charing Cross Rd, Soho, London WC2H 0EW Right opposite Tottenham Court Tube station This is a closed meeting of Debtors Anonymous. The meeting has a weekly focus on a topic of recovery. Please bring cash for the 7th Tradition. Newcomers are very welcome. Contact Michael 07968 104 229 for more information. … Continue reading "DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre"
DA Meeting: Cambridge (Online)
DA Meeting: Cambridge (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Newcomers are especially welcome Contact Cindy - 07886 507362 Originally: Church of Our Lady of The Assumption and The English Martyrs (OLEM), Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR.
European Skype meeting (English Speaking)
European Skype meeting (English Speaking)
Step and Traditions Meeting To attend this meeting, users need a computer, the Skype application, and a headset. Add da.skype.meeting to your Skype account. More information is available here Download the DA Skype meeting Group PI template
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
“A Vision for You” – DA Meeting (Online)
“A Vision for You” – DA Meeting (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING This is a Camera-On only meeting. Meeting ID: 430 754 130 Passcode: 115095 Contact: Chloe (07769) 998 217
“Thriving in recovery” BDA (Online)
“Thriving in recovery” BDA (Online)
Please click the link below to join:- JOIN MEETING Meeting ID: 817 2472 9874 Passcode: 185572 Originally: Music room of Grosvenor Chapel, 25 South Audley Street, W1K 2PA
Writers Meeting (Online)
Writers Meeting (Online)
This is a meeting focusing on the 12 Steps of DA as they apply to writers. Open to all. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 6704 9474 Passcode: 617988
Womens BDA (Online)
Womens BDA (Online)
Please respect the special focus of this meeting which is Women in Business Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83614799179 ID/Access code: 836 1479 9179 Password: solvent Email contact: womensbda@zohomail.eu
Business Debtors Anonymous (online)
Business Debtors Anonymous (online)
Please click the link below to join:- JOIN MEETING Originally: The Crypt, St Peter’s Church, Northchurch Terrace, London N1 4DA
God is in the Numbers DA (online)
God is in the Numbers DA (online)
Debtors Anonymous meeting Kenya JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 913 202 7299 Passcode: 121212 Please don’t click more than 5 mins before meeting start time.
BDA Brighton and Beyond (online meeting)
DA Ogle St
DA Ogle St
6.30pm Tuesdays DA Ogle St St Charles Borromeo Church, Westminster 8 Ogle St, London W1W 6HS Enter via church doors - follow the steps down to the crypt
DA HOW meeting (online)
DA HOW meeting (online)
Focus: Compulsive Debting & Under-earning JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 823 3543 1656 PASSCODE: 577419 Contact daoglestw1 at gmail.com Originally: St. Charles Borromeo RC Church, The Crypt, 8 Ogle Street, London, W1W 6HS
Debtors Anonymous : Brighton (online)
Debtors Anonymous : Brighton (online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 811 0026 7214 Passcode: 821201 Contact: Robin S 07986 458 520 robin.odat AT gmail.com Originally: 'Clifton' room, Brighthelm Community Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD
DA Meeting Chelsea (Online)
DA Meeting Chelsea (Online)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 307 627 282 Passcode: 952814 Contact: dachelsea01 AT gmail.com
DA : Stevenage, Hertfordshire (online)
DA : Stevenage, Hertfordshire (online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Contact: 07810 861 305 or Tuesday8pmDAStevenage AT gmail.com Originally: No 15 The Glebe, Chells Way, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0DL
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
Step Meeting BDA (Online)
Step Meeting BDA (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Originally; The Tabernacle, Notting Hill, London W11 2AY
‘Till Debt Do Us Part’ DA Meeting
‘Till Debt Do Us Part’ DA Meeting
This meeting's focus is on issues unique to couples in DA. You are welcome to come with your partner or alone and it doesn't matter if your partner is in recovery as well or not. JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 947 3048 2161 Passcode: 335 755 ** 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month **
BDA Kenya Express Group (Online)
Recovery from Compulsive Spending DA (Online)
Recovery from Compulsive Spending DA (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 816 4013 2013 Passcode: 887600
Currency of Hope Abundance phone Meeting
Currency of Hope Abundance phone Meeting
U.K. 0333 015 4191 Access code 8020729 Email: abundancedawed8pmphonemeeting@gmail.com Format: Week 1: Speaker Week 2: Currency of Hope Week 3: Step of the Month & Business Week 4: Visions Week 5: Promises
Business Debtors Anonymous: Dublin
Business Debtors Anonymous: Dublin
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 361 318 544 Password: Recovery Originally: Central Mission Hall, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin D1 (just off O'Connell St in the city centre).
BDA Hackney
BDA Hackney
Hackney Methodist Church 219 Mare St London E8 3QE Business Debtors Anonymous Doors open 19.00 Format - literature and discussion Support needed Contact: Gareth 07871503092
BDA: Soho Recovery Centre
BDA: Soho Recovery Centre
The BDA Wednesday 7.30pm meeting at the Soho Recovery Centre (SRC) takes place at the SRC, 123 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0EW in the small room. You can access the small meeting room via the main room. It is at the side of the main room, at the front of the building. See our group … Continue reading "BDA: Soho Recovery Centre"
Business Debtors Anonymous (online)
Business Debtors Anonymous (online)
(This is the online alternative to the in-person meeting at SRC) Join Meeting
DA European Skype meeting (English speaking)
DA European Skype meeting (English speaking)
To attend this meeting, users need a computer, the Skype application, and a headset. Add da.skype.meeting to your Skype account. More information available here Download the DA Skype meeting Group PI template
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
BDA Kenya Express Group (Online)
BDA Kenya Express Group (Online)
A Currency of Hope & BDA Tools Study Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 856 3876 8445 Passcode: Express
DA HOW meeting (Online)
DA HOW meeting (Online)
** staying online indefinitely ** JOIN ZOOM MEETING Originally: Room 3, Basement, Hinde Street Methodist Church, corner of Hinde Street and Thayer Street, London W1U QJ1.
SUSPENDED Business Debtors Anonymous: Bournemouth
SUSPENDED Business Debtors Anonymous: Bournemouth
MEETING SUSPENDED Boscombe Baptist Church 26 Palmerston Road Bournemouth BH1 4HS Anyone wishing to attend please contact Brian on 07545 232980
Debtors Anonymous: Penzance (Online)
Debtors Anonymous: Penzance (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Zoom Meeting ID: 734 888 3711 Passcode: 849211 Contact:- Suzie - 07800 569 804 or penzanceda AT gmail.com
Debtors Anonymous: Frome (Online)
Debtors Anonymous: Frome (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING You will be asked to kindly turn on your camera. If you do not wish to use the camera, we suggest you try one of the other phone or online meetings available. Exceptions can be made on request. Contact: Kayleigh 07497 264201 edwardthefaun AT outlook.co.uk Andrea. B 07958 519615 abeveney AT hotmail.co.uk … Continue reading "Debtors Anonymous: Frome (Online)"
BDA Swiss Cottage (In Person)
BDA Swiss Cottage (In Person)
Room 2, Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR. Contact: Sharon 07932878605
Thursday BDA Zoom
Thursday BDA Zoom
Meeting Information Thursday, 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm British Time Meeting types Business Owner (BDA), International, Internet, Open (to all) Videoconference information: Platform: Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/590706719 ID/Access code: 590 706 719 Click here for meeting resources on the D.A. website Click here for downloadable pamphlets Click here for Zoom instructions (opens a new window) Primary … Continue reading "Thursday BDA Zoom"
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
Step and Literature Meeting: BDA (Online)
Step and Literature Meeting: BDA (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING This is a closed meeting, open to those who have desire to stop incurring new unsecured debt. You will be asked to kindly turn on your camera. If you do not wish to use the camera, we suggest you try one of the other phone or online meetings available. Exceptions can be … Continue reading "Step and Literature Meeting: BDA (Online)"
DA / BDA Double Winners London W11
DA / BDA Double Winners London W11
*** New address from 19 July - 30 August inclusive *** The Tabernacle (upstairs room), 34-35 Powis Square, London W11 2AY Recovery from business and personal debt. Face-to-face meeting Please bring cash only for the 7th Tradition contribution until further notice. Thank you. Address: Westbourne Grove Church (ground floor room) Corner of Westbourne Grove and … Continue reading "DA / BDA Double Winners London W11"
DA Meeting – Westbourne (Online)
DA Meeting – Westbourne (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 824 0520 8711 Passcode: 926094 Our meeting focus rotates weekly with a reading or chair followed by experience, strength and hope. Week 1 - Visions Week 2 - Underearning Week 3 - Step chair Week 4 - Traditions Week 5 - 12 Promises of DA A business meeting will be … Continue reading "DA Meeting – Westbourne (Online)"
DA In-Depth Speaker Meeting (Online)
DA In-Depth Speaker Meeting (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 812 3425 0503 Passcode: 533390 Contact: Neal 0754 508 7629
Recovery from Compulsive Spending – Diversity (Online)
Recovery from Compulsive Spending – Diversity (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING PLEASE NOTE THAT BEING SIGNED INTO YOUR ZOOM ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED Zoom Meeting ID: 87321155090 Passcode: WeRecover Contact: fridaydacompulsivespendersuk at gmail.com Week 1: Compulsive Spending or Good With Money Week 2: Visions Week 3: Relapse Prevention (Tools or Speaker meeting) Week 4: Business Meeting Week 5: Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
DA: Bayswater Zoom Meeting (Online)
DA: Bayswater Zoom Meeting (Online)
Focus: Steps and Tools; newcomers especially welcome. Zoom meeting space open from 10.45 am JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 582 325 9345 Password: 21021918 Contact: bayswaterda AT gmail.com Originally: St Matthew's Church, 27 St Petersburg Place, W2 4LA Bayswater
Serenity Saturday – Zoom Meeting (Online)
Serenity Saturday – Zoom Meeting (Online)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/873174138?pwd=eDBjam5YMXFjNzhQWFBRUlkwbnJjUT09 Meeting ID: 873 174 138 Passcode: 941505
Debtors Anonymous Meeting: Dublin
Debtors Anonymous Meeting: Dublin
** waiting for an update on the status of this meeting ** DA Ireland phone number: 00 353 (0) 86 408 4468 Originally: Dublin Central Mission, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation
Opening with a couple of prayers followed by 20 minutes of meditation. All welcome. Zoom room open at 6:20am and for safety and security will lock at 6:35am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86278387060?pwd=U0x3UzAwN1RBbXJ4NkVVdkVkbXNZZz09 Meeting ID: 862 7838 7060 please email Samia.in.recovery@gmail.com for password. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this is a meditation-focused meeting, which follows … Continue reading "Daily Morning Prayer and Meditation"
DA Meeting (Online)
DA Meeting (Online)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 876 9892 9279 Passcode: 045058 Contact: 07958 971 339 or 07540 250679 Originally Richmond Bridge Friendship Club, The Arches, Richmond Bridge, TW1 2EF
Visibility and Vulnerability in BDA/DA
Visibility and Vulnerability in BDA/DA
Join Zoom Meeting Many of us debtors have discovered that visibility and vulnerability is at the root of our debting disease. We fear the reaction of the world as a consequence of putting ourselves out there and thereby exposing our visibility and vulnerability. Hence we decrease the opportunities there are to create and attract prosperity … Continue reading "Visibility and Vulnerability in BDA/DA"
DA Art Meeting (online)
DA Art Meeting (online)
30 minutes of creative time accompanied by live music from one of our members followed by raised voice sharing. We have a topic each week and you can create in whatever way you wish - painting, drawing, writing, colouring etc. JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 827 4369 3785