Week of Events
Back In Business: DA and BDA meeting (W11)
Back In Business: DA and BDA meeting (W11)
*Cash donations only for the time being.* Top Room The Tabernacle 34-35 Powis Square LONDON W11 2AY (Go through main entrance. Turn right. Door on right leads to stairs. Lift also available)
DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre
DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre
Soho Recovery Centre, 123 Charing Cross Rd, Soho, London WC2H 0EW Right opposite Tottenham Court Tube station This is a closed meeting of Debtors Anonymous. The meeting has a weekly focus on a topic of recovery. Please bring cash for the 7th Tradition. Newcomers are very welcome. Contact Michael 07968 104 229 for more information. … Continue reading "DA Meeting – Soho Recovery Centre"
DA Ogle St
DA Ogle St
6.30pm Tuesdays DA Ogle St St Charles Borromeo Church, Westminster 8 Ogle St, London W1W 6HS Enter via church doors - follow the steps down to the crypt
BDA Hackney
BDA Hackney
Hackney Methodist Church 219 Mare St London E8 3QE Business Debtors Anonymous Doors open 19.00 Format - literature and discussion Support needed Contact: Gareth 07871503092
BDA: Soho Recovery Centre
BDA: Soho Recovery Centre
The BDA Wednesday 7.30pm meeting at the Soho Recovery Centre (SRC) takes place at the SRC, 123 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0EW in the small room. You can access the small meeting room via the main room. It is at the side of the main room, at the front of the building. See our group … Continue reading "BDA: Soho Recovery Centre"
BDA Swiss Cottage (In Person)
BDA Swiss Cottage (In Person)
Room 2, Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR. Contact: Sharon 07932878605
DA / BDA Double Winners London W11
DA / BDA Double Winners London W11
Back at the usual address: Westbourne Grove Church (ground floor room) Corner of Westbourne Grove and Ledbury Road Notting Hill London W11 2RW Recovery from business and personal debt. Face-to-face meeting Please bring cash only for the 7th Tradition contribution until further notice. Thank you.
Bridge to Normal Living – Camden
Bridge to Normal Living – Camden
Open D.A. meeting St Pauls Church Camden Square Camden London NW1 9XG UK Saturday 09:00 am to 10:00 am