Saturday 11th October at Central Westminster Hall in Westminster (note change of venue from previous years!)
Pressure Relief Groups at the DA UK Convention 2014
On Saturday 11th October 2014, the annual DA UK Convention will take place at the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster.
Pressure Relief Groups will be available from 11am to 5pm at the DA Convention, with a priority to receive PRGs for newcomers, DA members attending from outside of London and/or members who live in isolated areas. There will also be some availability for any DA member, including Londoners, to receive a PRG at the convention.
All PRG slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Can you give PRGs at the convention?
We are asking for DA members with experience of giving PRGs to offer 1 hour of their time at the convention. This will involve giving 2 consecutive PRGs (half an hour each). If you can be of service in this way, please email with your name & contact mobile number/ email – stating your availability to give PRGs at the convention.
Would you like to receive a PRG at the convention?
For DA members who would like to receive a PRG at the DA Convention, you can sign up on the day or you can register your interest in advance. Email with your name & contact mobile number/ email – stating you would like to receive a PRG
Download flyer. Enquiries to events AT